Monday, March 20, 2006


I've had second thoughts about this last piece of work over the remainder of the weekend. I'm not sure about the direction it's taking me - and I suspect I'm not going to be able to express the ideas I want if I continue with this thread. The elongated stylised figures, the lack of depth and dependence on strong line... I know they seem like an obvious progression from the work I've been doing, but I'm not satisfied.

I'm going to take some time this week and review the collection of images so far, look at the ideas I have, and ways to extend them further. I need to experiment some more and I may need to go back to go forward. It's all good. Each piece has given me something to work from and towards - so the learning and exploring continues.
I'll leave this one up - it will be interesting to see what comes next.

At this point I think I need to remind myself of point 4 of Bruce Mau's Incomplete Manifesto:

- Love your experiments (as you woud an ugly child). Joy is the engine of growth. Exploit the liberty in casting your work as beautiful experiments, iterations, attempts, trials, and errors. Take the long view and allow yourself the fun of failure every day.


  1. Anonymous3:51 pm

    Hi Adele, Les directed me to your site and .... WOW!!!!! These paintings are amazing - the movement, the colour ... just breath-taking.
    Thank you for posting them!
    Pat Q

  2. Thanks Pat !
    Ummm I'm glad you like them. Goodness what a lovely response. I'm getting closer to what I want to say, but they're not there yet. So pop in again from time to time I guess.


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