So when does reprising a show become a new show?Do you call it by a new name - and if you do will all your friends expect to see something fabulous and new from you ?! (of course they will)And will they feel duped when they realise it's a glorious opportunity to view the work they know and love all over again in a new swish location and setting?I've booked the 6th of May to show the sign language and gesture pieces in Lambton Quarter - at deNada in Featherston St Wellington. Not a gallery but a lovely concept store run by a gutsy and savvy woman called Nada Piatek.
Between us we recognised an opportunity to work together, and I'm looking forward to the chance to have my art hanging in her store for six weeks. Six weeks!!
I've just GOT to paint some more...get those movies off my dratted laptop, pull finger, slap my hand into drawing mode, talk sternly and then dive into it. I want at least one new work in this show, and prefererably a big one. Just what I needed - a push in the right direction.
On another note - do you like the new banner ? I got sick of looking at the plain one !